my mom a lover of squirrels, her
Wheetie boy, took me and my sisters to New York City for the first time, eloped with Dad to North Carolina, sings while she drives, is a pyrex collector, writer, lived on the corner of Front and Ivy in downtown San Diego, is a little sister, nicknamed "Pog" from her parents, was a cheerleader, loves a spice cake on her birthday, shares the very best old movies with me, grew up in Meadville PA, worked at Johnny's in high school, helps me at the farmers' market every week, has a special place in her heart for Niagara Falls, used to have slumber parties with her girlfriends, has always had kitties, makes the most delicious chili, loves and adores her three girls, is just a phone call or quick drive away, knows me much better than I know myself, and makes the most beautiful memories everyday, as I grow older-I see more and more clearly how hard she worked to raise us all up with grace and build wonderfully close, unique relationships with each one of us, thank you, Mom, I love you...
happy birthday! xoxo