1:41 pm

Happy birthday, Case...football fan, lover of lemon filled donuts, scientist, smartypants, makes the very best german chocolate pancakes, patient, the boy I married, generous, Hermie snuggler, night owl, Dr. Pepper drinker, the biggest kid with his nephews, the only person who could ever get me to wear a football jersey or enjoy a game, laughs at
Demetri Martin and
Flight of the Conchords, loses his voice during
Charger home games, sleeper inner, a daydreamer, receives a call every year on this day from his mom at 1:41 pm....the moment he entered this world, and how very happy I am that he is here.

Happy Birthday to the German chocolate pancake chef. Hope you found room for some candles in amongst all the deliciousness of those 'cakes.
I should clarify:
Room to place the candles in the 'cakes. Not room in your tummy for the candles.
Awww... that is such a sweet post. Hope you both have fun celebrating his b-day! ;)
Happy birthday!! I'm a little late, but oh well... He looks just like he did in his little boy fishing picture, only now you can see traces of facial hair :)
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