

Each year a new poster is chosen for this frame, a fresh mantra thanks to The Poster List!
My hard work and late nights were greatly rewarded on Saturday and Sunday at Unique LA.
As you can see I sought out Jambas, pies, green tea and cookies for sustenance. Thank you to everyone who helped me (I owe you!) and everyone who visited my table and purchased items from me. It warms my heart when someone asks if I am the artist, is excited about seeing my work for the first time or tells me they come each year just to seek out my creations. There is something extra special about the Holiday Unique LA, although I'm getting more sleep this week I kinda miss all the late night preparations.


12.01 to 12.06


OnePerfectDay said...

Boy, would I have loved to be there!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had fun! The items you made (shown 1 post back) for the show are very nice. TFS