
a soft purr
of slippered feet across the floor, heavy whipping cream whipped into peaks, a chilly breeze on Saturday morning, the sheets turning in the dryer, a kitten curled up with Mom, the hummingbird perched on a tiny branch just his size, the neighbor sweeping her front patio and my mind lost in memories of nine years ago, the before and the after.

{9.10 to 9.12}


erin said...

i love that middle shot. so great.

Sarah Knight said...

Lovely post : )

our little love nest said...

I love the way you look at the world. It is simply lovely!! xo

cabin + cub said...

love your slippers! my grandma would make me similar ones every christmas. and i am so tempted to pet your cute kitty, despite allergies and all! so fluffy! ;)

Clare B said...

those slippers are fantastic. My last years knitted pair have holes in the them, but maybe I can make myself a pair of these?