
flying      6.04 to 6.08
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I had a dream that I hopped on a plane, wished Kadee 'happy birthday' in a beautiful park in San Francisco with honey lavender ice cream in hand, then I saw Up, unexpectedly cried a little, rode Muni, then BART, slept in, bought fresh cherries, walked through the park with turtles and a waterfall, ate the very best vegan pho, shared strawberry shortcake, roller skated to 70's music and disco lights, then just as the dream started it ended, much too soon, but my heart was full of all that had happened that one weekend in June. 


erin said...

love these photos!! looks like so much fun.

LazyTcrochet said...

What a fun post!

Allison Cecil said...

I love the airport photo! It makes me want to hop on a plane!

mrs boo radley said...

What a lovely weekend recall!

our little love nest said...

What a beautiful post in both photos and words. Very creative. You are one super lovely girl!!

katrina and the king said...

what a wonderful trip!! You know, I've flown about 100 times and then now suddenly I have a fear of flying. It's so weird. I guess you can only do something so much. Any the ice cream *does* sound like a dream !! :)

Thao said...

I adore the color of your photos. Looks like a perfect weekend.